An employer’s reputation greatly depends not only on the way he accepts for work but also on the way he dismisses.

The Outplacement program assures you comfort as well as the employee who you are compelled to part with. In a difficult situation like new job hunting, we shall take great care of your redundant worker and make sure he is supplied with all tools and skills necessary to succeed in search of a new employer. The Outplacement program implies the following:

1.    Further desirable careers counseling;

2.    Preparation of due documents to apply for a new job: resume and cover letter;

3.    Introduction of the list of companies which are in focus of the worker’s interests;

4.    Direct mailing to persons responsible for recruitment in these companies;

5.    Organization of meetings in the mentioned above firms;

6.    Realization of a trial interview: difficult questions together with the return information in order to prepare the person covered with Outplacement program for the real interview;